Group visit
Exploring Laarne Castle in a group is a great experience. You can even choose from different formulas. Group visits are possible by prior arrangement and subject to availability.
Exploring Laarne Castle in a group is a great experience. You can even choose from different formulas. Group visits are possible by prior arrangement and subject to availability.
Welcome to Laarne Castle! You can explore the castle as a visitor or as part of a (school) group. Discover all possibilities for group visits here.
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The first Cistercian convent for women has its roots in the middle ages and florishes in the 16th century. The story of this spiritual village comes to an abrupt end as a result of the French revolution. Read more about the fascinating history.
Herkenrode Abbey is a very large heritage site from which various people and organisations organise their activities. Join us on this road of discovery along all buildings which can still be seen today.