The second part of the car park on the Herkenrode Abbey site was set up by the Agency for Nature and Forests as an 'off-leash dog area'.

Sweet, playful, big or small, dogs on a leash 

Walking with the dog is usually perfectly compatible with the nature and the other domain visitors. The condition is that the animal is kept on a leash and that it stays on the paths with the owner. By keeping your pet on a leash and on the paths, you avoid endless discussions with other domain visitors. In this way, the nests of ground breeders and our large grazers are not disturbed.

It is forbidden by law to let dogs run loose in nature reserves. Unfamiliar four-legged friends can be a nuisance to other visitors and animals in the nature reserve.  A true animal lover takes into account other animals that are in this nature reserve. 

Dog zone 

In the dog zone, dogs can safely roam and romp around freely, under the watchful eye of their owners.

The demarcated area is 2 hectares in size. The dog area is not a dog toilet. "Accidents" should therefore be taken away or deposited in the provided garbage can. This way, everyone can enjoy a pleasant off-leash dog area. Benches have been provided for the owners and extra trees have been planted.

Please note: for larger events, the dog park can be used as an extra car park.