The history of Roosenberg Abbey in Waasmunster dates back to the 13th century. Did you know that the current complex is the third incarnation of an age-old monastery?
Bureau van der Laan
Dom Hans van der Laan
Discover more about the life and work of the Dutch Benedictine monk Dom Hans van der Laan, the architect of Roosenberg Abbey in Waasmunster. Did you know that he also designed all the furniture in the abbey?
Te gast
De kerk van Abdij Roosenberg is elke dag geopend van zonsopgang tot zonsondergang. De Laura van het Waasland organiseert een heel aantal spirituele momenten: van meditatie tot bijbel-studies.
Dolf Van Sprengel
Group visit
Get to know Roosenberg Abbey and its extraordinary architecture: our guide will take the group through the building and its history!